You know your doing good when the equal parenting bill is searched more than a gun carry bill. Second only to a bathroom bill. most searched for bills - equal parenting 1 February 2017




If you want to follow the progress of this bill, go here. Add it to your Alert list today!

Keep the pressure on these legislators and take your rights back! Here are some statistics compiled by others in the movement you can take to your Senator or House Representative so they can support equal parenting:

equal parenting chart 1 February 2017

Download this document Equal-Parenting stats braver and others 1 Feb 2017.


Forcing parents to battle over rights they already had before they entered the court doors, hurts children: ”

Hostility from a divorce is the best predictor of poor outcomes for children (Bonach 2005; Semple 2010)

equal parenting chartb 1 February 2017

Download this document Equal-Parenting stats braver and others 1 Feb 2017.